Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Long Awkward Hallway

Most of the offices of Teen Mania that are in the admin building are: Acquire the Fire, Extreme Camps, IT, E-Strategies and all the executive offices. The admin building is two stories high and has tons of different hallways you can get lost in. One hallway that is the most famous is the hallway I need to walk through everyday to get to work: ‘The Long Awkward Hallway.’

This hallway is seriously about 90 feet long, maybe longer. And it has nothing in it; just one long hallway with huge pictures hanging on the walls. The reason why this hallway is called the ‘Long Awkward Hallway’ is because you can be at one end of the hallway and you will be staring at the other person coming towards you for a good minute or two in silence. Not to mention because of the length of the hallway people are always in it to do the most randomest things.

You will find cores having their meetings in the hallway, people having business or personal meetings, people having their quiet time, people dancing, people scootering, people lying down, people running into the walls; there are many odd things that happen in this hallway.

I’ve had my fair share of odd-awkward moments in the hallway; it makes you laugh and gives you a great story to tell: ‘Once upon a time my coworker and I were walking down the hallway to get water as we were pretending to fly down the hallway and running our hands across the wall and pictures. We get about half way down the hallway when we see the director of the Honor Academy turn the corner. He looks at us with a smile as we immediately place or hands at our side and stop zigzagging. “Hello Mr. Hauz!” “Hello ladies. Having a nice day?” “Yes sir, and how is yours?” “Going good thank you.” He continues to smile as we pass him and we run down the rest of the hallway to get away, bursting into laughter.’

Oh aren’t interns silly?


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