Monday, May 4, 2009

Running with God

Do you ever have on of those moments that just sticks with you; it's a moment that constantly comes to your memory and provokes an emotion. I have many of those; I do so many random things that I defiantly make memories and I have so many random things happen to me that it makes life interesting.

One moment that always brings a smile to my face and reminds me of how loving & caring our God is; is a moment that happened in corporate. Corporate is definitely not one of my favorite times of the week; waking up early and running is just not my cup of tea!

The internship was training, trying to get ready for the mountain LTE; so we were running everyday. One Friday, almost near the end of the training, I had had enough of running; I was running by myself because I'm so slow that I didn't want to slow a partner down. I had ran (and walked) almost the entire requirement for the day. I was tired, exhausted and running out of breath; I was not a happy camper.

But as I learned during gauntlet week, bringing God into corporate does help to motivate you and to keep you going. I was praying, singing and reciting scripture; doing anything to keep me going.

During my entire run I kept making goals for myself; setting up markers to where I would run. This kept me going for a while; run, pray, run, sing, run, marker, run, breath, run, pray, pray, run.

I made a turn and was exhausted! I didn't want to run any more but I knew that I had too. “Come on God! Don't give up! We can do it. Keep running!” I spoke out loud to God. I knew God was smiling down at me: “Alright. I'm coming!”

Ran a little more and was about half way done with my final loop. I made the same turn again and was even more tried than the last time. I slowed down to a walk. “I can't do this! I give up!” I felt like I couldn't take another step. I stopped and took a few deep breaths. I was tried, exhausted and wanted to give up. I was done.

“Come on. Walk to the pole. You can make it! Walk to the pole. We can do it!” God told me. I smiled and laughed loudly as I took a deep breath and ran to the pole and continued going.

The best running partner you'll ever have – God. He keeps you going!


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