Thursday, July 21, 2011


Two beings/spirits. Attempting to be together. They long to be together. But they can't. Things hold them back.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy July 7th!

Since my mother’s death a few years ago, I refuse to let her birthday and the day she died to be sad. I refuse to allow it to bring me down.

Yes, losing my mother was a hard and difficult thing to work through – but I worked through it. Those days are no longer filled with mourning but with joy!

My mother lived a short life – but she lived a great one. She touched and affected so many people. More people then I think she realized. My mother always thought little of herself. But years later, the things she told me, the things she taught me - ring so clearly in my ear.

My mother’s memory and life are still alive and well. And because of that, I refuse to be sad. I refuse to mourn. I choose to celebrate. I choose to be happy.

My mother is in heaven. She is with the Lord. She is joyful and is no longer in pain.

Now isn’t that a great thing to celebrate?

Happy 7th of July!
Cake and cupcakes I made in remembrance of my mother.
The stars on the cake represent her and me.

My new Build a Bear Ruth, 
named after my mother (her middle name).