Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thomas hearts Cali

With the preparation of moving back to California, I’ve had to get some things taken care of in advance. One of those major things, getting Thomas prepared for the trip. Thomas and I normally get along. I love him with all my heart. I can always count on him. However, he’s so dang expensive!

Today, I spent a good part of the afternoon looking for new shoes for him. I went to five different places getting different brands and prices. Why do new shoes (tires) for a car need to be so expensive? It’s insane and all the extra fee’s that different places add on: installation, depositing of used tire, state tire tax, etc. It’s crazy. And I have to admit, I have no clue what I’m doing. But I got enough prices and brands to do some good research.

Now, it would be one thing if all Thomas needed was tires, but last week he got an oil change, his side mirror fixed (okay, that was kind of my fault…), a bath, and presents to make him look pretty and smell good.

He’s one expensive kid. But he’s loving the attention. And he’s super excited for the drive home! Well, my home – Cali, not his home – Texas. He’s going to see tons of new states, get a new home and drive for a really long time. He’s stoked. He’s not going to love the idea of Cali as much once we get there and he sees the traffic. Shhh. I’m kind of leaving that tiny detail from him.

But overall the preparation of moving back to California is moving along nicely. I have most of my things packed (couldn’t pack my clothes or technology – are you kidding me!), I already have my route planned, working on the hotel reservation, working on my transfer to another corporate store and I semi-have a good amount of money saved (a few hundred, but that will all disappear when I buy Thomas his shoes – dang car!).

Things are going well. Let’s just hope they stay that way…


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