Saturday, October 26, 2013

Air 1 Radio

One of my main resources for finding new music to listen to is Air 1. I've been an Air 1 listener since high school. With all my traveling, from here to there, I've always been able to find an Air 1 station to listen to. Air 1 has been a huge encouragement and motivator for me.

I can remember countless times, where I needed an answer from God and He spoke to me through the songs that Air 1 was playing at the time. When ever I feel lost, out of control, overwhelmed or want to give up; it's as if 'magic' that Air 1 plays the song I need at that exact moment to continue moving on.

Multiple times a year, Air 1 has a pledge drive to raise funds. They are a listener supported station, which means they don't play commercials. They continue to stay on the air-waves and play music because people donate money to keep them in business.

This week they're having their fall pledge drive. I've never been in a financially stable place to donate to them myself. But my hope is, to one day be able too.

To give to Air 1, go here. If you give now, 
when you make a $40 monthly pledge on the EZ Gift Plan,
 not only are you keeping Air 1 on the air, 
but you're also providing a new winter coat
 to a child through Operation Warm! 
Check out their heart-warming ministry here.


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