Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Natural Imbalance

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctors to get a check-up and the other day I went back to get my results. The tests came back fine and it turns out I’m pretty healthy. I know, shocker to a lot of people.

Any-who, I did have one result that was low and the doctor prescribed me medication to raise it. I got the prescription filled and as I was reading the little paper that came with it (what it is, what it does and what the side effects are) I laughed silently to myself.

Side effects: hair loss, increased sweating, sensitivity to heat, mental/mood changes, tiredness, diarrhea, shaking (tremor), headache and shortness of breath.

I have most of these “symptoms” on a daily basis (without taking anything). How in the world am I supposed to know if they’re being caused by the medication?!?

Oh, the natural imbalance of the human body. Gotta love it. Ha ha.


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