Monday, December 6, 2010

It’s TIME.

This past year, has been very interesting. But I wouldn't give it up for anything. I've learned so much, grown so much, and matured so much. I feel like I'm getting "there." Like I'm finally semi becoming an adult.

I'm at a place in my life, where I feel semi stable. For the last few years I've just floated. I've bounced from one place to another, to another. Trying to find my nitch, trying to find where I belong.

I've come to the conclusion that a location doesn't matter. That it’s who I’m around and what I’m doing. A location, a job, a house, an economical status doesn’t make me who I am. I do, God does, and my testimony, faith and courage make me who I am. Sure, having a place to live is nice. Having a reliable car is good. And not worrying about bills is awesome. But they’re not important. Doing and being where God wants me to be is all that matters.

So, in taking another step (leap) in faith I’m moving to Colorado Springs, CO in the beginning of the New Year (2011). I know - how many moves can I make in one year? I don’t even want to attempt to count. This new move, by far, is the biggest and riskiest one I’m going to have made in the last two years.

In the last two years that I’ve lived in Texas I found my family (the Woolfords’), found my spiritual parents (the Moyers’), found my ‘mom’ (Elizabeth), found my lifelong friends (the Mullins’ and the Charles’), and most importantly – I found myself.

I’ve discovered that I’m strong, brave, stubborn, timid, creative, beautiful and independent. I’ve discovered who I am in Christ.

These last two years have been hard, nerve racking, heart breaking, relieving, strengthening, tough and freeing. Texas has been a safe haven. I place where I could be protected, watched and mended. These last two years were for me to find my footing and stand on my own two feet.

And now that I’m wobbly standing, it’s time for me to walk forward.

I knew this season was coming to an end. I felt in my spirit that it was coming to the point where it was time for me to leave. And now that this time has come, it’s a bittersweet moment for me. I will miss my life here in Texas. But I know it’s time to walk in my freedom and become equipped to fight for my God.

This is a defining moment for me, I know it, and I’m praying that I will act in the proper way. It’s time for me to start my ministry. It’s time for me to help others. It’s time for me to proclaim what I believe. It’s time that I become dependent on God. And it’s time for me to stand up for myself.

It’s time.

Thomas and I are in the process of packing and adjusting to our new lives. And even though I’m scared, nervous and a tad bit skittish - I know God has my back.


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