Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sit, Color a Bit

There's nothing more fun, when you're sick, then to sit on the couch or floor and color in a Disney Princess coloring book.

I bought a couple of coloring books more than a year ago, because I really wanted to color; but I never did.

Today while I was sitting on the couch bundled in my hoodie and blanket watching Netflix, the urge to color hit me - hard. I paused my movie walked to my room found the books and all my "colors" and went back to the living room to finish my movie. So here I am sitting on the tile, crayons, colored pencils, markers and paint pens sprawled out all over the coffee table while I'm looking through the coloring book trying to find the "perfect" one to color in.

Do you remember that? When you were little and you would search through the coloring book over and over again to find that one picture that was 'perfect' and called out to you. I have a lot of memories of coloring and of coloring books from when I was little, is that weird?

One memory that always makes me smile happened when I was about 6 or 7. I was in my parent’s room when my dad called out to my mom asking if she wanted anything from the store. She replied no, and then my dad asked me: “Stella, you want anything from the market?”

Now, being a small child I’m sure there was a ton of things I could have asked for that I didn’t always get. But me being me, I called back: “A COLORING BOOK!!”

I remember thinking that my dad wouldn’t get it, but when he got home from the store there on the counter was a Disney Beauty and the Beast coloring book. I remember I was surprised, shocked, and overjoyed. I took the book and went to my room to color.

I spent most of the afternoon coloring today. It was nice to sit and color. It gave me a chance to recharge my spirit. Sometimes we need that time to be our ‘little kid self.’ To go back in time, mentally, and have fun – openly abandoned.

Sometimes we just need to sit, and color a bit. 


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