Monday, September 28, 2015


Sr Grumpy passed away, a little over two months ago, and I still CONSTANTLY find myself thinking of him. I don’t know how many times I look at the clock waiting for his bus to drop him off. Every time I’m out getting dinner I always think of what I can get him that would be easy for him to eat. The other day, the thought popped into my head, when his next doctor appointment was.  

The last two days, I’ve had dreams of him. The first dream, we were having a family party and when I turned a corner there he was sitting on a bench with my uncle Arturo. Now, why I dreamed of Arturo, I have no idea; but he’s passed as well. I was unsure if what I was seeing was true, I was aware that he was dead. So I kept asking people if they ‘saw’ them too. But finally I couldn’t help myself and so I ran to him. When Sr Grumpy saw me, he smiled this huge smile at me and he hugged me. I told him how much I missed him.

The second dream, I was driving in the car and he was in the passenger seat. I didn’t recognize the streets but I knew where I was going. He never spoke to me, but at one point I told him: “We’re fine. Nothing bad is going to happen". That’s when the car went up a curb and we flipped, I was going 70 mph. I remember focusing on his face as I felt the car flip around us. The next moment, the car was right side up and we were driving into a gate; the car was destroyed. I spoke to the guard; he asked if I was okay. I told him that I was fine but that Sr Grumpy was hurt; I had looked at him before turning to the guard. Sr Grumpy had a cut over his left eye that was bleeding. The guard looked at me like I was crazy, when I turned back to Sr Grumpy, he was gone. The next moment, I was in a hospital - alone.

I haven’t told anyone about these dreams; I’m unsure what they mean. But I know I don’t want to forget them.


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