Sunday, April 7, 2013


I love blogging.

I love writing.

It truly is my passion to combine words together that will prod out an emotional response from others. I hope that it will cause people to become active and change themselves into true and honest peace. I also hope, that with all my flaws, that I can show God’s glory and encourage someone to not give up on the race to godliness.

I have finally made the decision to go back to college. I will be going to a community college to get my general education, and then I hope to transfer to a university to get my degree in – you ready for it? Journalism.

I know, I know – ‘It took you how long to make that decision?

I’m slow; you all should know this by now.

To be honest, I always had dreams of writing and possibly selling a few things here and there. But I never really thought about making it my career. Last summer was when I first really started to pursue the thought of going back to school. At first, I thought of going into Business/Marketing. I did social media marketing for a few years, and I was pretty good at it.

However, Aunt Stella had other thoughts. “Marketing? No, you need to go into Journalism.” She said it so nonchalant. It was a no-brainer what I should go to school for. And yet, it honestly never crossed my mind.

Now, a year later, I am finally going back to school - and Aunt Stella was right. She always is.

It’s funny. You know as a kid you’re always asked what you want to be when ‘you grow up.’ My response for the longest time was a veterinarian.

But before that, an artist and a writer. Even at a very young age I had a passion to write and to create. After all these years, I’m finally taking the steps to achieve my childhood fantasy. And one day I will achieve it, I will be a ‘writer.’

At least I’m going to give it my best shot.

And if I don’t succeed.

I’ll blame Aunt Stella. Ha ha.


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