Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Run Away Star

I love to play, practical jokes on my manager. I've made it snow (twice) in his office, I have also covered his office in sticky notes, and I've covered it in lights. We're a very close and tight-knit department, so we play around with each other often. My jokes usually come out of no where, I get inspired and than react on them instantly. I kind of plan as I go along and they come out pretty well; most of the time.

I was walking back from lunch with one of my friends to the admin building. It was a beautiful, bright, sunny day and it was gorgeous outside. My friend said it was too nice to be inside all day and I agreed with her. At that moment the thought of running away popped into my mind.

“What would Brandon say if I ran away?” I asked her curiously. “Um, he'd kick your butt! You can't just pack up and leave.” She replied back. “No; I mean just for the day. Just run away for the day and come back tomorrow.” She looked at me and smiled. “I don't think he'd care, he'd find it funny.” I smiled as we entered the building.

I went to sit on the couch as I called my dad; I talked to him for a few moments and than told him about my plan. “So, you'll just pack up your stuff and move to the cafeteria?” “Yup, I will grab my laptop and run away to the cafe. I will still have Internet connection, so I can still work.” I replied back. “Well, heck then! Run for it!”

So with parent approval, I ran back up stairs grabbed my laptop, packed up all my things, told my coworker what I was going to do and wrote my manager an email:

'Dear Mr. Lilly,

I am sorry to say, but the workload and stress of my job has driven me insane. I am running away and will NOT return.

It has been a pleasure to work for you. You have taught me much.

I am sorry to drop the news like this. But I can no longer stand it!!

Good bye and God speed.

-Stella '

And with that I walked out of the office and headed to the cafe; I sat down, connected my laptop to a power supply, and begin to work. About an hour later I got an email from my coworker telling me that my supervisor was asking for me and went looking for me. I than received a text from my supervisor asking if I was 'okay.'

I laughed as I read the text and sent her an email explaining to her what I was doing. She was relieved and flustered at the same time. Apparently I really freaked her out, she was worried and concerned. I told her I was 'okay' and that I was sitting in the cafe. After a few more minutes she told me I had to come back; my manager would be in meetings all day so he wouldn't notice.

And with that, my little adventure was over. I packed up my stuff and headed back to my office. I walked by her office as I came back and she smiled at me. “Had fun running away?” “Yes I did! I just wish I could have gotten a rise out of Brandon.” I replied back. “Oh don't worry, you defiantly got a rise out of me. I was panicking trying to find you.” I laughed as I apologized and headed back to my office and desk.

Getting reset up I sent her an IM:
Me – I'm back safe and sound in my confinement :(
Her – Good :)

Later on in the day my manager walked in and said: “I thought you ran away?” He said with a smile and playful tone. “I did. But Tori freaked out and told me to come back.” “Good assistant.” He said with a smile and a laugh. “I only came back because she asked me to.” I said with a smile. “Bad intern! Get to work.” He spoke has he pointed at my laptop, smiled, shook his head and walked away.

My prank didn't work out exactly as I planed, but I did have fun running away even for a while.


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