I was writing in my journal one day. I was asking God to give me visions of Him and of what He desired. As I was writing I started to doodle a little sheep. The Lord called me His sheep.
Sheep aren’t very smart. Sheep rely heavily on their owners. Like any living animal, sheep need to be taken care of: feed, washed, protected, lead, etc.
The Lord was calling me His sheep. He watches over me, He provides for me, and He loves me.
As I started to doodle this sheep, the one sheep turned into two sheep, the two sheep turned into a heard, and the heard turned into a pasture. As I was drawing this out, the Lord kept speaking to my heart that He calls us all to be His sheep. But that many of us get distracted by sheep things (eating, grass, flowers, butterflies, etc.) and that we miss His call to us.
Sheep need to be lead, they need to be directed on where to go, how to get there and how long to stay. The Lord calls us to a place, He calls us to act or react in a certain way, and sometimes, He calls us to speak prophetic words.
As I continued to draw this picture, there were five sheep in a pasture. Four out of the five sheep were busy eating as the fifth one was looking up. The fifth one heard its call and was paying attention; while the others were too distracted to notice anything.
How many times are we the sheep that are too busy or distracted to hear when the Lord calls?
View original drawing here.
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