I had gotten my lip pierced into a “snake bite” and everyone was giving me a hard time. I had wanted to pierce my lip for a while I’ve always loved the way snake bites looked. But, since living in East Texas I’ve learned what I think is “cool” isn’t always “proper” culturally. Consequently I’ve learned to tweak my appearance which has turned into this pretty cool mix-match eclectic style of color, shapes and layers. But, my snake bite was causing me to stick out more than usual.
With stares, glares and the occasional remarks of disgust I was getting use to people's disapproval. So when Ron genuinely and lovingly explained to me why he wanted me to take the rings out, it meant a lot to me. People made it clear that they didn't like the rings. But no one took the time to talk to me and ask me why.
Ron's words rang in my ear, "How much do you want for them?" The simple act touched my heart. Days went by and as I replayed the conversation in my head I was almost in tears. I didn’t understand why this meant so much to me. Why did it move me so? Why did this conversation affect my spirit?
Finally I asked myself why, and God answered. The reason Ron’s offer meant so much to me was because he was showing me true, healthy, godly, fatherly love.
The Lord showed me that that’s how much He loves me. And that He does the exact same thing. Whenever I give Him something, a part of me, and let Him in and willingly surrender my control. He comes and gives me something in return: freedom, healing and favor.
Once the Lord showed me this, I wept. The attention I’ve wanted and crave truly does come from the Lord. One silly, random and humorous comment from Ron has shaken my world completely.
So, I took the rings out and gave them to Ron – free of charge. I couldn’t bring myself to ask for anything in return when I had already received something more important. Love.

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