The other day I went into the back yard to feed the dogs left overs. I called Mona over, gave her a bone and she ran off to a part of the yard to eat it. I then called Parker, feed him some scraps, gave him a bone and he ran off to a part of the yard to eat it. I then called Mona back, feed her scraps, gave her another bone and she ran back to her spot. I called Parker back one more time to feed him the rest of the scraps, gave him one last bone and then he ran off – to another spot, leaving his first bone. Mona looks up, notices the deserted bone, runs, picks it up and takes it back to her pile. Mona is then left with three bones and Parker one. Mona, she’s one smart and sneaky dog.
Today I was standing in my dad’s room speaking with his girlfriend when I noticed through the window that Parker is sitting in the doorway of his dog house. I look at him and he starts to bark at me. “Really? You’re going to bark at me?” He walks out of the dog house to get closer to the window and starts to bark continually. “Stop barking at me!” He barks again. “Don’t make me go out there.” I glare at him. He glares back at me and barks - once more. I immediately turn, walk down the hall and out the back door into the yard. Parker runs towards the door, I bark at him and pretend to attack him and he runs back into the dog house barking all the way. Parker, he’s all bark and no bite.
My dogs make me laugh, very much. The things they do are just so silly.
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