I truly believe the reason why I love to write, why writing is easier for me then speaking, why I have a ‘gift’ in writing is because I never felt like I could speak to my parents. I never felt like I could tell them exactly how I was feeling or what I thought. I
I bottled up all my deepest, truest and hardest emotions & thoughts deep within my soul – until they ate me alive. When I first started my process of healing, it was so HARD for me to share/expressive how I felt. It was easier for me to type out, write out or show my mentors/counselors my journal entries. I couldn’t bring myself to say out loud everything I had been keeping under lock and key.
I’ve slowly learn to use my voice. To speak how I feel and to share what I think. It’s been a slow and hard process that I’m still working on.
I’ve been keeping journals, blogs, poems and stories for as long as I can remember. They were/are my precious treasure. They are me – raw, true and vulnerable.
If I had the choice, I wouldn’t change anything. I’ve learned how important a voice is and how precious words are.
This is why I have my gift. How I can write the way I do.
This is why I love music and why I like to draw. It’s the reason why I love tattoos.
This is what God first used to show me that He can make beauty from ashes.
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