When this was stated, I envisioned a present. A beautiful present wrapped in colorful wrappings and a pretty bow. But the present was surrounded by darkness, where the present was there was a little light, but everywhere else - darkness.
Around the present were different signs to make the present look appealing; hearts for love, dollar signs for money, smiley faces for happiness, and music notes for joy. Mixed in with all the signs where question and expiration marks; trying to make the present look exciting and interesting.
Everything around the present was trying to make you open it. But on the present itself, on the beautifully wrapped present, were signs of death, poison and heartache. On the pretty bow were words of death, heartache, bitterness, anger, hurt, depression, etc.
The present itself was bad. It would bring nothing but hurt, pain and heartache if opened. But it was wrapped in something that looked inviting and happy.
How many times do we look at something and think it’s grand, but in reality it’s not.
How many times do we open presents that aren’t good for us?
How often do YOU get fooled by pretty wrappings?
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