A shiver immediately went down my spine and all I could
think of was rain, push-ups and my face in a puddle.
Yes, I know. This is a very strange memory to have about
a song. But it’s my memory, and even though I make it sound traumatic, it
actually makes me laugh when I think about it.
While at the Honor Academy during corporate exercise
there would be music playing over the sound system. One day the instructor of
the exercises decided to introduce this song to our exercise routine.
He would instruct us to get into an up push-up position
(arms stretched out and on your tippy toes), and every time the word ‘down’ was sang in the song you would do
a push-up. And then you would go back into the up push-up position until the
word was sang again and then do another push up.
If you listen to the song, the word ‘down’ is sang four times in the first chorus, once in the second
verse, eight times in the second chorus and then 24 times in a row at the end of the song.
I think the reason why this memory is so prominent in my
mind, is because when I was at the HA that was the worst rain session that
Texas had had in a while. It would rain so bad that we couldn’t hear the instructor
when they called out the exercises we just had to copy the people in front of
I vividly remember being in the up push-up position, it
raining lightly and going down into a push-up and lifting my head as much as I
could to not put it into a puddle of water.
I know what you’re thinking: “You could have moved.” And I did, into this smaller puddle that I
was trying to avoid.
There were so many of us working out together and being
stretched out for the push-up; there just wasn’t enough room on the black-top.
And because it was raining so much there were puddles EVERYWHERE. You couldn’t escape it.
So, even after all these years, whenever I hear this song
I can’t help but think of corporate exercise at the HA and having the urge to
switch the song.
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