Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nappy Time?

“The leaders of the world are always tired.”

I don’t know where I first heard this saying, but I’ve heard it quite often since I’ve been here at HA. HA is supposed to be teaching us discipline, honor, integrity and of course leadership. So when one of the interns speaks that they’re tired or exhausted, another intern who’s trying to be smart will most likely speak this quotation. All I have to say is: Boy, aint that the truth!

Since I’ve been here at the HA, almost two weeks (13 days), I’ve honestly haven’t acquired sleep that would amount to 48 hours. I’ve gotten maybe two and half, maybe three hours of sleep a night. We’re always moving, always doing something, always working, always learning, always walking/running, always in class, we hardly get a few moments to ourselves – and when we do, we take full advantage of it.

Some of us just want off the campus, so when we get the chance we attack someone with a car and bribe them to take us some where. Some of us need “alone” time, you never realized how precious those moments are until you’re living with five other people in a tiny room and are surrounded by 700+ other people on a campus. And a mass majority of us need SLEEP.

When we do have down time (especially during the day), it’s funny to walk down a dorm hallway – it’s a ghost town. No one to be found or seen. Little papers on doors asking to be quite when you enter the room. And when you do enter the room little lumps on the bed are found curled up in a ball in the corner of the bed.

“You never realize how precious something is until it’s gone.”

Yes, I know that saying is usually spoken for more drastic things; but why not the lack of sleep? Sleep is the body’s way of telling us that we’re tired and that we need rest. Aw, sleep. That’s a heavenly word here.

Again you never realize how the little things in life could mean so much.

I’m a girl who went to sleep at 1am and then got up at 10am. Who did nothing all day. Just relaxed, laid on the bed, played online and ate meals. And then I throw myself (willingly) into a structured organization. What was I thinking?

That the HA could give me life experience and maybe guidance. Since I’ve been here, everything I thought I was/could do/wanted/desired has completely changed. And no, I’m not being over dramatic. Completely separating yourself from the world and devoting yourself completely to God can truly make a difference in such a short amount of time. I’m scared and anxious all at once to see what will happen in this short year.

And to achieve all of this, if I need to lack sleep then I’ll do it.

“We spend half of our lives sleeping. And for what?”

By the way, I got a nice nap in today. Thank goodness for ministry placement and B schedule!


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