Friday, August 21, 2009

Story Time with Star

Oh how I love Orange/Gray/Tan block; the restrictions of sugar, music listening and movie watching. But the thing I love the most about the blocks: corporate every morning! Yay.

One thing I don’t like about living behind CCM, is that CCM is on the completely different side of campus; so whenever we have to go any where it’s about half a mile walk (I might be being over dramatic, but I’m not sure – ha ha). So here we are at 5:45 in the morning walking to the anvil, we workout at 6am and than we get done around 7am.

Today I was walking back by myself, minding my own business as I see this squirrel on the side of the road. It’s lying near the curb, looks dead, sprawled out, limp, not moving. So I continue to walk, ignoring the ‘dead’ squirrel. As I approach near the ‘dead’ squirrel, about five feet away, the squirrel jumps up (about a foot and half in the air) runs towards me at super fast speed. It stops in front of me about half a foot and starts yelling at me (squirrel speak and babble). It flairs it’s hands and shakes its entire body.

After about 30 seconds it stops, glares at me and than runs off into the forest. I had stopped walking and watched the squirrel do all of this. After he disappeared I looked into the forest and laughed out loud.

I had just gotten harassed by a squirrel. I thought it was pretty entertaining.


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