Monday, August 31, 2009

Web Cam Fun

Production for Acquire the Fire is underway! With that being said, CCM is in crunch time to get all the videos and media ready for the first ATF event that is a month away! So, people are running around getting things filmed, edited, written and acquiring extras.

Joe comes up to me, he looks lost & unsure. “Hey Joe, what’s up?” “I’m good Stella. How are you?” “I’m well Joe. You look lost.” “Well Stella, I’m looking for a web cam.” “Why are you looking for a web cam Joe?” This is when he looks at me very excited and with a huge grin. “Hey Stella! Does that have a built in web cam?” He says as he points at my laptop. “And are you busy?” I look at the laptop and than at him. “What do you need Joe?”

He than goes into an explanation that he’s looking for a web cam to make videos he needs for his shot. For his shot there’s a group of girls on a video chat and he needs their expressions. He talks me and a few other girls to be his girls, we than head to my house to build makeshift sets. One of us sits on the couch as we grab lamps and turn on lights to even out the lighting on the web cam.

Apparently, the girls are reading a blog and they’re gossipers. They found out juicy information and begin to freak out and immediately spread the news all over the internet; they call and text people to inform them of what they know.

As each girl changes, so does the set. We end up moving all over the house; the living room, the loft, the library, the kitchen, and the bedroom. Along the way we are recording everything that is happening on the web cam; some times purposely and some times not so purposely.

At the end we had everything that Joe needed and an extremely funny amount of bloopers and random pictures.

Yet Another Driving Adventure…

I will most likely never be asked to be a drive again after today. A trip that was supposed to take me an hour and 45 minutes took me three hours. Ha ha, yes I have that skill to get completely turned around heading to Tyler, TX.

I was asked to drive to Tyler to pick up Gail from her house; Gail is the wife of Doug Rittenhouse (the direct of CCM). So I hop in a car, with directions and head out towards I-20. I get near the exit to head towards Lindale or Tyler, with everything in me screaming to turn right, the directions said to turn left. I knew that was wrong, everything in me was telling me not to listen to the directions but I did…

After a lovely 20 minute drive, I was in Mineola. Why, oh why did I listen to the directions! I called Gail, told her what had happened and said I was on my way! Turning around, I drive in the opposite (correct) direction and head back through Lindale to Tyler. I looked further down the directions and noticed that it mentioned “South Broadway and 69 South.” Why couldn’t I have just read further down earlier and saved myself TONS of time. I get myself to South Broadway the way I know, cause the directions were all wrong, than I called Gail; I didn’t know how much I could trust the directions.

I finally get myself near the Rittenhouse’ home and continued to repeat the directions Gail gave me in my head: “Pass the first Exxon and take the road in front of the second Exxon.” I pass the first Exxon and two seconds later I pass the second one and the street, annoyed I move over to the left lane and have to turn back around. I get on the street and than almost pass the housing complex; if it wasn’t for Gail walking to the front of the complex I would have passed it.

Gail gets in the car and than we head back. I tell her I had to fill up on gas (because of my little ‘adventure’), so we stop at a gas station. As we both get out of the car, we close the doors and I began to fill up as Gail walks inside to get drinks. I finish filling up and than go to the door to get in and it’s LOCKED.

I look at the button on the door and it’s pushed down: “Oh no! Are you SERIOUS!?” I quickly move to the next door and it’s locked too. I run to the passenger side and try to open the back door, nothing. I than move to the passenger door and it opens: “Praise the Lord!”

I crawl over, open my door and get in as I wait for Gail, the entire time laughing and shaking my head. Today just wasn’t a good day for me to drive.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Story Time with Star

Oh how I love Orange/Gray/Tan block; the restrictions of sugar, music listening and movie watching. But the thing I love the most about the blocks: corporate every morning! Yay.

One thing I don’t like about living behind CCM, is that CCM is on the completely different side of campus; so whenever we have to go any where it’s about half a mile walk (I might be being over dramatic, but I’m not sure – ha ha). So here we are at 5:45 in the morning walking to the anvil, we workout at 6am and than we get done around 7am.

Today I was walking back by myself, minding my own business as I see this squirrel on the side of the road. It’s lying near the curb, looks dead, sprawled out, limp, not moving. So I continue to walk, ignoring the ‘dead’ squirrel. As I approach near the ‘dead’ squirrel, about five feet away, the squirrel jumps up (about a foot and half in the air) runs towards me at super fast speed. It stops in front of me about half a foot and starts yelling at me (squirrel speak and babble). It flairs it’s hands and shakes its entire body.

After about 30 seconds it stops, glares at me and than runs off into the forest. I had stopped walking and watched the squirrel do all of this. After he disappeared I looked into the forest and laughed out loud.

I had just gotten harassed by a squirrel. I thought it was pretty entertaining.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Transition LTE

For the last week and half, I have literally been in limbo. With graduating from the HA and staying at Teen Mania for an additional two years to attend Center for Creative Media (CCM); it’s been an odd but refreshing transition.

Being one of two August’s in my core to stay was a frightening and challenging experience. Watching as everyone packed up their stuff, loaded cars and driving away to continue on the path that the Lord has for them; was devastating. I had been with these girls for a year – an entire year and now they are out of my daily life.

One of my roommates, I had literally spent the ENTIRE year with her. She was my roommate from Gauntlet week to the first and the second semesters, we were inseparable; and now she’s gone.

My best friends, my AP’s and my mentors left. And here I was left on a very empty campus to transfer into CCM by myself. I think that was the most frightening thing for me; transferring into CCM. The current classes at CCM have been together for almost two years, a year or half a year; and here I was moving into this tight knit family – I was terrified. But I knew and I know this is where God has placed me.

So biting my lip and mustering up ALL courage I could from the Lord, I picked up all my belongings and placed them on the truck that the CCM guys borrowed to transfer all our stuff. That was a week ago. And now, here I am in my HOUSE fully moved in and making lasting friendships (again).

The transition, truly was an LTE.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Super Powers!

The one thing I love the most about Gauntlet week, besides all the AMAZING sessions, is having worship several times a day. The School of Worship band is phenomenal! And who doesn’t love to worship the Lord?

Today was a special treat for me; I was able to sit with a big majority of my old family core at the evening session. Three brothers, two sisters and another core mate. Worship starts, some move into the side aisle, some move to the front; I stayed in the aisle with some of my family.

Everyone starts to sing, sway and worship with out hesitation. I have to admit, I get active when I worship; dance, sway, spin, and raise my hands. I wasn’t really paying attention; I had my eyes closed while I was singing. I had raised my hand in the air and than placed it out to my side and than brought it done to my side. As I did this, I accidentally hit the person next to me; I very slight hit their bottom.

I open my eyes, look at them a little horrified; they turn their head slightly towards me and give me a sly smile. I blush, smile innocently and than scoot over to the other side and continued to worship.

Oh yes, I can EVEN make worship awkward; ugh!

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 2010

The new interns have arrived! After a weeks’ worth of finial preparation the new August class of 2010 have arrived on campus. It’s still odd to think that most of my August class has left and that I am now a graduate intern (GI). It’s been amazing to witness the growth and maturity that people have gained over the last week. The GI’s have truly super grown to be leaders.

Tonight, sitting in on the opening session of the new year, I was hit with the realization that last year I was in this exact same spot scarred out of my mind. I can remember, as if it was only last week, stepping off the ATF bus on the Teen Mania soil and instantly thinking that I had made a horrible mistake. Even at that early moment, the enemy was trying to get me to leave.

I remember placing my foot on the cement and instantly feeling something wasn’t right. I wanted to turn quickly, jump back on the bus and head back to the airport to go home. After the terrifying registration, long walk to the dorms and tasty dinner at the café, the opening session with Ron Luce was lost in thought with my negative thoughts, disbelieving heart and depression.

Tonight during worship, I stood to the right of the stage under the screen and the Lord spoke to me: “Look at where you are.” I opened my eyes and looked at the stage; I was at the front of the auditorium. “I’m at the front of the room Lord.” “Look behind you.” I turned around and saw hundreds of people behind me; some worshiping the Lord fully, others unsure and hesitating. “I see the new interns Lord.” “Look to the back.” My eyes wondered to the back of the room. “Do you remember when you stood there? You were in turmoil; you didn’t know if you should stay or leave.” As I looked to the back of the room, I remembered standing in the corner scared, unsure and filled with guilt & shame. “Look at what I brought you through! You are new, new and restored!” I smiled as tears came to my eyes as the Lord continued to minister to my heart.

It’s amazing to think of the change and restoration that’s happened in my life in this short year. So much has happened; it’s still hard to believe that a year has passed.

As I continued to stare behind me, memories of my first few days at the HA came back to me. I could remember and feel all the mixed feelings I had. The doubt, the fear, the wanting of acceptance, the guilt, the shame, the cracked heart I was trying to heal; everything came back like a flood - but not for me, for the new interns.

I had been in their spot little over a year ago, I knew how they were feeling, what they must have been thinking, and my heart went out to them. They know nothing of what they’re getting themselves into, but boy is the Lord going to reign in their lives!

My heart leaped for joy as the opening session ended and the new year had officially started. Can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned.