Joe comes up to me, he looks lost & unsure. “Hey Joe, what’s up?” “I’m good Stella. How are you?” “I’m well Joe. You look lost.” “Well Stella, I’m looking for a web cam.” “Why are you looking for a web cam Joe?” This is when he looks at me very excited and with a huge grin. “Hey Stella! Does that have a built in web cam?” He says as he points at my laptop. “And are you busy?” I look at the laptop and than at him. “What do you need Joe?”
He than goes into an explanation that he’s looking for a web cam to make videos he needs for his shot. For his shot there’s a group of girls on a video chat and he needs their expressions. He talks me and a few other girls to be his girls, we than head to my house to build makeshift sets. One of us sits on the couch as we grab lamps and turn on lights to even out the lighting on the web cam.
Apparently, the girls are reading a blog and they’re gossipers. They found out juicy information and begin to freak out and immediately spread the news all over the internet; they call and text people to inform them of what they know.
As each girl changes, so does the set. We end up moving all over the house; the living room, the loft, the library, the kitchen, and the bedroom. Along the way we are recording everything that is happening on the web cam; some times purposely and some times not so purposely.
At the end we had everything that Joe needed and an extremely funny amount of bloopers and random pictures.