2011 might not have been my year for personal spiritual growth. But it was a year I desperately needed to grow in and strengthen my relationship with the Lord. 2011 was also a year where I learned my independence. I learned that I could provide for myself. I learned that I didn’t need to rely on others to support me, that I could do it myself. I also learned in 2011 that my own personal well-being was just as important as others. And that I shouldn’t settle for what’s handed to me, but to reach and fight for better.
Even with all the self-discovery I unearthed and found this past year, one thing I desperately missed was my creativity. I didn’t draw, paint, write or craft as much this past year as in 2010. So, my New Year resolution this year is to become craftier!
I made a list of crafty things I wanted to do this year and set a goal. I’m hoping I can finish them all before the year is over and exceed them.

And in an attempt to jump start my creativity in the New Year, I have challenged myself to take a picture a day for one year. A year in photos! I also created a list of objectives that I’d like to complete by the end of the year. Take a look at “A Thousand Words,” and make sure to follow the blog to get my daily updates of my random adventures in photos.
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