Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Break Through is Coming

Went to a church service tonight with Aunt Stella, a few of my friends in Texas know the pastor and recommended the church.

The service was nothing but worship and prayer. It was so AMAZING. It felt like home to me. I’m so use to worship services where the Holy Spirit is so prominent, everyone being touched and moved and just following where the Holy Spirit leads.

I missed this intimate, soul searching, heart healing experience.

I was standing in my aisle worshiping the Lord when this girl came up to me and asked if it was okay if she prayed over me and shared some things that the Lord had showed her.

She said: The Lord was going to start to heal and restore my heart, feelings and relationships. He was going to mend. The Lord was inviting me in to become closer to Him. There were huge golden doors that opened up to God's thrown. And leading to the thrown was a red carpet. The Lord was inviting me into His presence, to become closer and intimate. Break through was coming.

Near the end of the service they opened up a prayer line. There were a group of people willing to pray with you and you just had to go up to them. I went into the line and the guy who was praying over me knew I was depressed and he related to my depression. The guy prayed that my heart would overrule my mind, that Jesus would run my mind and thoughts. He asked if I was an intercessor and broke the stronghold of fear over me.

I needed to hear the word that the girl had for me. I needed to know that I was in the right place and that I wasn’t on my own. That God saw me and He was going to watch out for me. And I need the prayer that the guy gave me. I think God placed us together for prayer because He knew that we could relate and strengthen one another.

I needed tonight.

I’m so glad we went.


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