I just had a revelation that is so simplistic that I cannot believe that I didn’t see it before.
The thoughts that you believe about yourself, your life or about others is how you portray yourself. The beliefs that have been installed in you at a young age will depict how you act and respond. The things you believe are what you become. What you surround yourself with you will reflect.
Most people will agree to these statements. Your thoughts, ideas and principles depict how you live your life. Now that, that’s a little harder to comprehend.
“So you’re saying because I’m always depressed, that I’m willing and allowing myself to be depressed.” Yes, yes I am.
I know, you’re about to curse me because I said yes. You might not think or say to yourself ‘I have to be depressed,’ but there is a thought that has been placed in your head (by you or others) that has made you believe (or accept) your depression.
“So, Star, you’re saying that I believe that I need to be depressed.” Maybe not in those words, but yes; a thought has been placed in your head growing up that has installed depression in your life.
I know; BIG revelation right?
Over the last month I have been going over how to identify lies and how to get those lies out of your life. I’ve been told over and over that these lies are told to us in small little ways, over many years; most when we were children.
These lies can consist of: “I’m not pretty enough,” “I will never pass this test,” “I deserve to be punished because I did something bad,” “I need to be sad because I upset them,” etc.
All of these statements are lies!
Over years of you believing that you’re not pretty enough, you will soon believe that you’re ugly and possibly that you will never be loved by another. If you believe that you will never pass a hard test, you will soon not attempt tasks because you believe you will never succeed. If you believe that every time you do something ‘bad’ you need to be punished, you will soon believe that you deserve nothing good because you always do bad. If you believe that you need to be sad every time you upset someone, you will automatically become depressed when some disapproves.
The thoughts you believe, is how you will react.
“Alright Star, this is pretty self explanatory. Why is this such a revelation?” Because your thoughts bad or good will reflect how you live your life!
So if you believe you are loved, you will not feel alone or abandon because you know people love and care about you. If you believe that you are acceptable, the thoughts of others will not affect you as much. If you believe you are worthy to be cared and looked after, it will not be so hard for you to accept hospitality.
“Yes Star, I’m following you. Where’s the revelation?” If the thoughts that were told to you over and over were negative and caused you to have negative thoughts , ideas and principles; why can’t you replace them with positive ones!
I know, I know, so simple!
“Are you serious Star, this is your BIG revelation?” Yes, yes it is!
I have the power to change my thoughts! I have the power to take the negative ideas in my head and make them positive! I have the power to tell the ideas running around in my head ‘No! That’s not true about me!’ I have the power! Not the negativity that has been running my life in fear and depression.
”Okay, so what are you going to do with this new found ‘power’?” I’m going to believe the TRUTH!
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32I have heard this verse so many times, I have read the verse so many times; but it never sank in until now.
I always thought that I knew the ‘truth,’ I always thought that I knew what was right and what was wrong. But there’s more to it than that!
You might know that it’s wrong to think that you’re not worthy to be loved. You might know the truth that Jesus died for you on the cross; but until you truly know this in your soul and believe it you will not be set free!
Truth! You are LOVED by the King of Kings.
Truth, you are WORTHY of His love.
Truth, He died for you so that your sins would be washed AWAY.
Truth, the Lord is ALWAYS by your side.
Truth, the creator who made EVERYTHING finds you remarkable and breathtaking.
All, ALL of these statements are truth! But somewhere along the path of life many of us are told otherwise. We’re told
lies that we are not worthy because we have failed. We’re told that we will never succeed. We’re told that no matter what we do, we will never satisfy others.
But all of these are lies! And how do we combat lies? With
We shoot back to the enemy (Satan, father of lies) that we are worthy! That God loves us and we are washed cleaned from our sins because Jesus died on the cross for us and took our sins to the grave.
We take truth (“I have a purpose for living”) and combat it with the lie (“You’re worthless”). And the more and more you say this and combat the lie with truth, the more you will believe and install the truth in your life until that lie no longer exists!
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”Once you know the truth and have installed the truth into your mind, the lies will seem like what they are – lies, NOT truth.
”Wow, pretty insightful.” Yea, I know.
Once you understand that you need truth to combat with the lies, and that YOU have the power to combat these lies in your head; you’ll feel less like a victim to your thoughts.
”So, where do I get or find these truths?” In the Bible. The Bible is FULL of them! Read the Word of God and fill your mind with what God thinks about YOU!
You can also meditate on: ‘Who I am in Christ’ lists. Here are some links to help you: http://bit.ly/3q9Eyb and http://bit.ly/3dZBbf
Once, you know the truth and have it installed deep within your mind and your soul. The lies won’t be able to hurt you again.
“Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth.” – Ephesians 6:14After the realization of "Lie Truth" a picture and video was inspired. You can view those here:
Picture of Lie Truth's.
Video about Lie Truth's.